800 Vusi Mzimela Road
Cato Manor
031 240 1000
IALCH provides a tertiary/quaternary service to patients and ensures that the patients arriving at IALCH are attended. All patients will be accepted via an electronic appointment and booking system.
Our Hospital recognizes the need to render treatment to patients in an emergency situation, even if they are not in possession of a referral note, the patient will be referred to the Medical Emergency Department where treatment will be rendered, if the patient’s condition warrants an admission the patient will be admitted to IALCH and if the patient condition warrants stabilization the patient will receive treatment and referred back to a step down hospital.
Referral from other hospitals
Appointments can be requested telephonically or by e-mail. Alternatively, the referral letter can be faxed or posted to the hospital, after which an appointment can be given.
An appointment Reference Number is generated and the referral hospital/doctor advised of the number. If the appointment is requested by e-mail, the referral letter must still be produced at the time of the appointment.
Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital is committed to sympathy and empathy to patient`s rights and that patients are afforded the opportunity of receiving visitors in time of their need during their stay at our Hospital.
The visiting hours at this hospital are as follows:
14H00-15:00 and 18:00-19:00 daily including public holidays and weekends
No children (less than 12 years-relatively speaking) in the hospital building visiting patients
Only two visitors allowed per patient
Exception will be to those who have been asked to come and see terminally ill patient by special request and the Sister in charge of the ward will notify the Security at the entrance of the hospital
Visiting hours are subject to change as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
800 Vusi Mzimela Road
Cato Manor
031 240 1000